2015年11月19日 星期四

[Git and GitHub]

A:  basic command

git diff commitid1 commitid2
=> diff two commid under repository

git log
=>check commit history

git checkout commit_id

B:  try to add commit

git init
=> to create the repository under any  directory you want , and then you can find a  .git/ under
that directory.

use ls -a to find out .git/

git status
=> to check your repository status

git add filename
=>add the changed file to the staging area

git commit
=> add that file to repository

git diff
=> diff between local workspace and staging area

git diff --staged
=> diff between staged and latest commit

git reset --hard
=> to reset the staging file and your working area which means you will lose any changed you
did before. Be careful.

git branch
=> to check all branch you have now.

git branch XXXname
=>create a new branch XXXname

git checkout XXXname
=> switch to that new branch

git log --graph
=>check the commit id where it come from.

git merge branchA branchB
=>merge commits belong to branchA to branchB.

E: push to github

git remote
=> check your remote list

git remote add origin https://github.com/youraccount/repositoryName.git=>add your repository to your remote list

git push -u origin master=> push your local(master) repository to remote side(github,which is origin)

git origin -v=> check the link status of the remote side. fetch & push.

git pull origin master=> if remote side(github) has the updated ,pull it down to your local to let your local space data updated.

*local 改好之後 先 push add to staging area, 再push commit 到自己local repository .
*之後 再 push remote 把自己local 的repository 推上github 的

