2016年7月28日 星期四


1.When install package always shows
tar: Failed to set default locale 
2.Open Mac terminal:

defaults write org.R-project.R force.LANG en_US.UTF-8
3.Restart R

2016年7月11日 星期一

[git] set different user.name user.email in different repository

Go the the folder of your local repository

and type

git config user.name "xxxxxx"
git config user.email "xxxxx@www.com"

take a check 

cd .git
cat config

[MAC] Terminal hostname not mine.

it appears other's name who give you DNS.

go to terminal and check

xxxx $ hostname

if the xxxx

$ sudo scutil --set HostName "xxxx's MacBook Air"

QUIT terminal, reopen again.

[octave] install octave 4.0.3 under mac osx EI 10.11, plot OK

ref: https://kiskeyix.org/articles/605

install hombrew
install AquaTerm from sourceforge
brew tap homebrew/science
brew reinstall gnuplot --with-aquaterm
gnuplot # make sure it says "terminal set to aqua"
brew install lua51 # yes, you also need this old version of Lua
brew install octave

vim ~/.octaverc
add below....

octave:1> graphics_toolkit('gnuplot')
octave:1> setenv('GNUTERM','aqua')

check again

octave:1> getenv("GNUTERM")
ans = aqua

For waring message when you plot
warning: could not match any font: *-normal-normal-10


brew uninstall fontconfig

brew install fontconfig --universal


2016年7月10日 星期日

[ML] logistic gradient accent and Andrew Ng gradient decent



the gradient fun is l(n)

normally hope probability biggest, so use gradient Accent to find largest theta of l(n)


Andrew Ng set J(theta)=-(1/m)l(n), there has a "-", so become find the minimum , so
use gradient decent.

2016年7月9日 星期六

[python3.x] UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position

Can't fix by root cause, but I try another way, reedit the file you hit.

1. open that file in vim, and you can see the  <0x92> in the file, remove and save. Done.
2. simply open file in sublime text 3 or TextEdit something, find some strange mark. remove it. Done.

ps. if you wondering what is the encoding of your file, go to sublime , show console and
     type-> view.encoding()

2016年7月5日 星期二

[mac] add path for adb,fastboot,.... to PATH

get mac version of adb , fastboot....

=> download Android Studio from google developer site.

copy those bin to folder whether you want.  ex: /Users/xxxxx/Documents/bin


vim ~/.bash_profile

export PATH

save , and reopen the terminal.


[mac] Connect FTP from mac to ubuntu by vsftpd

[ubuntu side]

sudo apt-get install vsftpd

[mac side]

download filezilla client.

create a new ftp , use account and password to login.


2016年7月4日 星期一

[IDE]Sublime text 3 + Anconda ST3 => Autocomplete pandas dataframe setting

add following in to



       "characters": ".",
       "selector": "source"

Preferences -> Package setting->Anconda->Setting-User

add at the tail.


    "anaconda_linting": false,
    "python_interpreter": "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/3.4/bin/python3",
    "auto_python_builder_enabled": false,

[IDE] Sublime text 3 + Anconda ,autocomplete quickly config

Sublime Text → Preferences → Settings—User

        "characters": ".",
        "selector": "source"

[MacOS] install python3.4 pandas , request, matplotlib

pip3.4 install pandas
pip3.4 install request
pip3.4 install matplotlib